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FWS bid to skirt science and the law on sage grouse denied

Earlier we noted how the Fish and Wildlife Service wanted out of a sage grouse agreement the government made with Western Watersheds Project and Advocates for the West to take another look at listing imperiled sage grouse, this time considering the best available science.

The lawyers struck a deal extending a decision about listing past the anticipated release of a comprehensive report from the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies about the status of sage grouse such that the results would be considered in the government’s new decision and the public would be afforded time to comment.

The government claims that FWS officials didn’t approve the deal even as Department of Justice lawyers signed off.

Today, a federal judge struck down the government’s attempt to exclude the report in its court-ordered reconsideration of listing for sage grouse:

BOISE, Idaho — A federal judge is holding the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to a deal reached with environmentalists that sets a timeline and other conditions on whether to grant threatened or endangered status to the sage grouse.

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