WWP Files Motion & Opening Brief to Protect Wolves & Wilderness

Online Messenger #169

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On February 3, 2010 Western Watersheds Project, the Wolf Recovery Foundation and our coalition partners filed a Motion and Opening Brief in federal district court requesting a preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order to block the landing of helicopters to radio collar wolves in the Frank Church-River-of-No-Return Wilderness. Four WWP staff and board members filed personal declarations as part of the briefing.

The darting of wolves and landing of helicopters within the Frank Church is a violation of the spirit of wilderness and the law. 

I hope you'll take a look at the motion and brief:   


Read the Opening Injuction Brief

Read the Injunction Motion


I also hope you'll take the time to read the declarations of WWP board, staff, and members whose powerful experiences with wolves and the Frank Church wilderness is an inspiration:


WWP Board President: Kelley Weston Declaration

WWP Board Member: Ralph Maughan Declaration

WWP Data Specialist:  Dale Grooms Declaration

WWP NEPA Coordinator:  Kenneth Cole Declaration



The oral arguments on this motion will be held in front of Chief Judge B. Lynn Winmill on February 18, 2010 in Boise, Idaho.